Singapore 2016 -Unexpected Call from SM Cinema, ColumbiaPicturesPH and UipmoviesPh

Unexpected Call from SM Cinema, ColumbiaPicturesPH and UipmoviesPh

Got a wakeup call from them, at first I kept ignoring the call since it was from an unknown number but when I received a text that it is about ‘The Huntsman’ promo
I immediately text them back. 
I really don’t believe in raffles and stuffs like this since I haven’t seen any post from the winners before.

How did I win?
I received an email from SM about the premiere show of ‘The Huntsman” promo
and as a fan I bought two tickets immediately. I’m aware of the SG trip and the red carpet but I was already expecting that they have chosen the winners already.
That’s why when I received the call; I really couldn’t believe it myself.

They congratulated me, telling me to prepare my passport and my companion’s details. Of course I chose my mother to be my companion.
Actually before that day, I was planning what gift should I give to my mom, and here comes a surprising gift for her. It’s like I won the prize for her. A blessing in disguise indeed

The staffs are really accommodating like when I wasn’t answering the call, SM Davao texted me a lot.
When I couldn’t receive the emails, they helped me a lot until I got it.
I’m aware of the prize that it would be only 2n3d only (April 2- 4) , so I asked if they could extend it longer so that we could celebrate my mom’s birthday(April 4)  in Singapore which they agreed to it.

April 1. 

Arrival at Manila + meeting the organizers ColumbiaPicturesPH and UipmoviesPh

Booked our hotel at Red Planet ortigas which is near  to the office .
I must say the office has a big impact for fans like me.
I can’t describe it but in a fangirls expression; I have feels for it. 
If only I am from Manila, I would like to have an internship there. 
Moving on ~ 
 I’ve finally met Ms.Kat, the organizer who prepared all our documents.
She is really nice, young and very responsible indeed.
She carefully explained all the details we need to know, the prizes, and what to do once we are in Singapore.
And I can say that it has a VIP feels in it, but I won’t expect too much.
To watch the Huntsman premiere and be able to meet the cast at SG is already enough for me.

Thank you so much for this opportunity !

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